Sprinkler Irrigation
Drip Irrigation
Bare Aluminium (ALUMINIUM) Electrical Conductors
Aerial Bunched Cables
drip Irrigation
Drip System is a network of pipes and tubes which forms a delivery system to feed exact amount of water and agro-inputs/nutrients to each plant directly to its root zone, drop by drop. Water is applied at low pressure and frequent intervals over a period of time as per the plant requirement. This ensures optimization of produce without subjecting the plant to stress or strain. The system is economic, fully scientific, most efficient and successful for all sorts of soils, water, agro-climatic conditions and different kinds of crops. Fruit matures even before starting of season. Drip system gives excellent results in case of saline soil/water. It is approved and subsidised by various State Governments.
Main components of this system are :

Head Assembly, comprising :

Sand Filter

Screen Filter

Ventury Meter

Ventury By-pass Assembly

Main and Sub main Pipes (PVC/HDPE)

Lateral Pipes & Poly Tubes

Inline Driplet


Valves & Fittings

Pump Set


Saving of water 50% to 70%

Increase in yield from 30% to 230%

Uniform and improved quality and early maturity

Savings in fertilizer of 40% to 50%

Savings on pesticides, energy and labour

Ideal for difficult terrain & problematic soils & water

Controls weed growth and labour costs

Effective disease control

Optimum use of scarce water to use larger area

Minimum maintenance & long lasting

Drip Irrigation System is useful for all cereals, crops, fruits, vegetables and flowers. It finds use at all Orchards, Plantations, nurseries, forestry, Agriculture and Horticulture and is particularly most suitable for cultivation in hilly, uneven terrain, with scarce water resources and/or problems of salinity. Before undertaking any Drip Irrigation system for any kind of soil, plant, climate, location, a systemized planning, survey, design and cost analysis is carried by expert engineers to provide optimum benefits.
Drip irrigation system is supplied with best quality components - ISI Marked for Pipes, Lateral Pipes, Drippers , Screen Filters & Valves as per IS:12786, IS:13487 and IS:12785.